
Project Number Lead Institution Co-Applicant Project Lead Project Full Title Methods
01 Stirling Martine Stead Crawford Moodie
What is the longer-term response of smokers and ex-smokers to standardised packaging and how does standardised packaging impact on health inequalities? Longitudinal data analysis (Adult Tobacco Policy Survey)
02 York Mark Sculpher Susan Griffin Wider societal benefits of public health interventions and their impact on distributional cost effectiveness analysis Review of evidence; qualitative research; plus development of new economic evaluation methods involving ranking and prioritisation of outcomes.
03 York Amanda Sowden Amanda Sowden Reducing lifestyle risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups: evidence mapping and synthesis Scoping review and mapping.
04 Liverpool Margaret Whitehead David Taylor-Robinson Addressing inequalities in ‘Children in Need’: A population linkage study to inform policy Analysis of linked anonymised data at individual and household level across related data sets.
05 Cambridge Martin White Martin White/ Jean Adams Theorising and measuring intervention agency, and exploring relationships with intervention effectiveness, equity and acceptability Systematic review; development of typology of PH interventions.
06 York Hilary Graham Hilary Graham Public perceptions of the health risks of climate change and priorities for action UK-wide quantitative surveys of adults aged18 years; and a qualitative study of those aged 15 years living in England.
07 Stirling Martine Stead/ Alison Ford Crawford Moodie
A synthesis review of research exploring the response of consumers, the tobacco industry and retailers to standardised packaging in the UK Evidence synthesis.
08 Stirling Martine Stead Sean Semple Rapid evaluation and modelling of changes in personal exposure to fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) and related consequences for health and behaviour during the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the United Kingdom Qualitative telephone interviews; Data collection of PM2.5 data from outdoor air monitoring stations around the UK; Modelling changes in personal exposure using census data.
09 LSHTM Mark Petticrew Kiran Nanchahal Short-term evaluation of the PHIRST (“Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams”) scheme Qualitative in-depth interviews.
10 LSHTM Mark Petticrew Cicely Marston Routes: New ways to talk about COVID-19 for better health. Focus on Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities, and migrant workers in precarious jobs Participatory research; co-production.
11 Newcastle Ashley Adamson Sheena Ramsey Learning from the ‘Everyone In’ approach to providing mental and physical health support (including substance misuse), and how this can be translated to future policy and practice Evidence review; Qualitative interviews and focus groups; PPI including ‘lived experience’.
12 York Amanda Sowden Amanda Sowden Reducing lifestyle risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups: evidence synthesis (Phase 2) Evidence synthesis (Overview of Reviews).
13 LSHTM Mark Petticrew Robert Hughes Evidence Collections to inform public health and climate policies Evidence review; rapid mapping review of stakeholder priorities; production of Evidence Collections
14 LSHTM Mark Petticrew Kaye Wellings Promoting sexual health in older adults Rapid evidence synthesis; workshops to capture user voice.
15 NatCen Rosa Lau Priya Khambhaita Non-opiate and cannabis drug use in ethnic minority communities Scoping review; quantative secondary data analysis; qualitative interviews with stakeholders and drug users.
16 Stirling Allison Ford Allison Ford Understanding the long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s access and attitudes to contraception in England In-depth interviews.
17 LSHTM Mark Petticrew Suzanne Taylor PPI Implementation in Public Health Policy Research Qualitative in-depth interviews.
18 Stirling Allison Ford Crawford Moodie Testing the optimal design of health-promoting pack inserts and dissuasive cigarettes

Literature review; focus groups; surveys; design and production of health-promoting inserts