Project Number | Lead Institution | Co-Applicant | Project Lead | Project Full Title | Methods |
01 | Stirling | Martine Stead |
Crawford Moodie |
What is the longer-term response of smokers and ex-smokers to standardised packaging and how does standardised packaging impact on health inequalities? | Longitudinal data analysis (Adult Tobacco Policy Survey) |
02 | York | Mark Sculpher | Susan Griffin | Wider societal benefits of public health interventions and their impact on distributional cost effectiveness analysis | Review of evidence; qualitative research; plus development of new economic evaluation methods involving ranking and prioritisation of outcomes. |
03 | York | Amanda Sowden | Amanda Sowden | Reducing lifestyle risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups: evidence mapping and synthesis | Scoping review and mapping. |
04 | Liverpool | Margaret Whitehead | David Taylor-Robinson | Addressing inequalities in ‘Children in Need’: A population linkage study to inform policy | Analysis of linked anonymised data at individual and household level across related data sets. |
05 | Cambridge | Martin White | Martin White/ Jean Adams | Theorising and measuring intervention agency, and exploring relationships with intervention effectiveness, equity and acceptability | Systematic review; development of typology of PH interventions. |
06 | York | Hilary Graham | Hilary Graham | Public perceptions of the health risks of climate change and priorities for action | UK-wide quantitative surveys of adults aged18 years; and a qualitative study of those aged 15 years living in England. |
07 | Stirling | Martine Stead/ Alison Ford |
Crawford Moodie |
A synthesis review of research exploring the response of consumers, the tobacco industry and retailers to standardised packaging in the UK | Evidence synthesis. |
08 | Stirling | Martine Stead | Sean Semple | Rapid evaluation and modelling of changes in personal exposure to fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) and related consequences for health and behaviour during the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the United Kingdom | Qualitative telephone interviews; Data collection of PM2.5 data from outdoor air monitoring stations around the UK; Modelling changes in personal exposure using census data. |
09 | LSHTM | Mark Petticrew | Kiran Nanchahal | Short-term evaluation of the PHIRST (“Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams”) scheme | Qualitative in-depth interviews. |
10 | LSHTM | Mark Petticrew | Cicely Marston | Routes: New ways to talk about COVID-19 for better health. Focus on Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities, and migrant workers in precarious jobs | Participatory research; co-production. |
11 | Newcastle | Ashley Adamson | Sheena Ramsey | Learning from the ‘Everyone In’ approach to providing mental and physical health support (including substance misuse), and how this can be translated to future policy and practice | Evidence review; Qualitative interviews and focus groups; PPI including ‘lived experience’. |
12 | York | Amanda Sowden | Amanda Sowden | Reducing lifestyle risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups: evidence synthesis (Phase 2) | Evidence synthesis (Overview of Reviews). |
13 | LSHTM | Mark Petticrew | Robert Hughes | Evidence Collections to inform public health and climate policies | Evidence review; rapid mapping review of stakeholder priorities; production of Evidence Collections |
14 | LSHTM | Mark Petticrew | Kaye Wellings | Promoting sexual health in older adults | Rapid evidence synthesis; workshops to capture user voice. |
15 | NatCen | Rosa Lau | Priya Khambhaita | Non-opiate and cannabis drug use in ethnic minority communities | Scoping review; quantative secondary data analysis; qualitative interviews with stakeholders and drug users. |
16 | Stirling | Allison Ford | Allison Ford | Understanding the long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s access and attitudes to contraception in England | In-depth interviews. |
17 | LSHTM | Mark Petticrew | Suzanne Taylor | PPI Implementation in Public Health Policy Research | Qualitative in-depth interviews. |
18 | Stirling | Allison Ford | Crawford Moodie | Testing the optimal design of health-promoting pack inserts and dissuasive cigarettes |
Literature review; focus groups; surveys; design and production of health-promoting inserts |